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    The Ultimate Franchisee Question – The Net Promoter Score® of Franchise Opportunities

    The Net Promoter Score® is a widely used market research metric that typically takes the form of a single survey question asking respondents to rate the likelihood that they would recommend a product or service to a friend or relative.  This one question captures and embodies a brand’s total customer experience.

    There is a similar question which embodies the overall health of a franchise opportunity: “Knowing what you know now, would you make the same investment decision again?”

    Keep in mind, depending on where a franchisee is in the life cycle of their franchise, answers may change.  Launching a new franchise is difficult regardless of the brand.  If a franchisee is less than two years into their business, many may be mired in their learning curve, where it takes much effort to produce modest results.  As franchisees move towards competency, it becomes easier and more cost effective to produce stronger results, so answers may change.

    At TOGO’S we’re confident of our franchisees’ answers to this question. In all honesty, the pandemic was hard. Sales declined and then bounced back. During the hard times, though, we pulled together as a system and made sure every franchisee had their best chance at success. After all, the brand is only as strong as its franchisees.

    TOGO’S is true to the sandwich — and true to its franchisees. We invite you to learn more.